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Chapter 2 - Present Day Anna

Writer's picture: Zariel PateZariel Pate

Anna Jackson written by Zariel Pate

Chapter 2 - Present Day Anna
Chapter 2 - Present Day Anna

"여기서 나가! You not read the sign, huh?" I could hear Mr. Choi outside the cafe, yelling at someone.

He pointed to the "No Aliens Allowed" sign on the front door of the cafe. Then obnoxiously continued to yell at them. I was done with my boba and was going to head over next door for bibimbap when I heard the commotion.

Tonight was my last night in Korea before I would get on a plane to China to obtain the Crystalsphere.

"여기로 돌아오지 마세요!"(Don't come back here!) Mr. Choi yelled as he made his way back into the cafe.

"Bye Mr. Choi," I said.

"Bye Anna. See you next Saturday," Mr. Choi said.

I waved at him and exited the café.

I could see off in the distance the Alien that Mr. Choi had been yelling at.

"Hey!" I decided to try to catch up to him.

He turned around. He was dressed in a black hoodie. It had been cold and rainy.

"Hi," he said.

"I see you've met Mr. Choi."

He nodded.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Herb. Are all humans like that?"

"No, he just doesn't like aliens. Are you hungry?"

I ordered Herb an order of Bibimbop. While we ate, he began to share with me the struggles he had to face surviving in Korea. The thing was he had moved here from Japan and was looking for a new place to live. I could tell that he was very hungry because he quickly finished his food in five minutes.

After we were done with our meals, I said goodbye and told him to stay safe because Mr. Choi wasn't the only one who disliked aliens.

In the morning I packed a bag of clothes, the map that Dad had left me, the USB, my laptop, and my Bible. Then I heard a knock at the door.

"Hi Anna! Can I buy a pair of your re-enhanced sneakers in pink!" The little girl said.

"Sure, just give me one second," I said.

I had created a shoeline that included enhancements that allowed you to be able to hover over the ground, and had also added wheels if you didn't want to use the hover feature.

"Here you go," I handed the pair to the little girl.

"Thank you! Thank you!" she said excitedly as she jumped around. "I've heard so much about you Anna! My sister bought a pair of your earpieces with the teddy bear carved into them. They're so cu-te!!!"

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome. I see you're wearing your white edition right now. Oh and I almost forgot to pay you. How much are the shoes again?"

"106,480.00 Won please." The little girl reached into her pocket and handed me the money. She then left and I grabbed my backpack with everything in it. I looked at my watch and had about one hour to get to the airport to catch my flight to China. Before I left out the door, I heard something come from my dad's office.

"Hello?" I said walking toward his office. I slowly opened the door of the office and all of sudden gunshots were flying at me.

"Ah!" I ran to the front door. "They found me!" I thought. I ran onto the front lawn and could see big black military trucks and military people pointing guns straight at me. I threw my hands up. It was the CIA. How they had found me, I had no idea.

"Anna Jackson, you have the right to remain silent," someone was saying over the loudspeaker. I knew that they were Americans because they were speaking English.

"What do you want from me?"

"We know what you and your parents are trying to do."

I was quiet.

How did they find me - I thought again.

It was a caucasian man that was speaking to me. He singled everyone to put their guns down.

"I'm the director of the CIA. My question for you is, where's the time machine?"

"How did you find me?" I said, trying to avoid the question.

"You see Anna, your mother was wearing some of those shoes you're wearing now. We looked them up online and found your Ad. The exact "AJ" carving that you like to carve into all of your shoes, was also carved into the side of them. We tracked you down with our satellites and technology. And a few other people. Thanks to that little girl that you sold your shoes to, we were able to figured out where you lived Anna."

Darn it - I thought, "You better not hurt her!" I yelled at him.

"You don't have to worry about that, just tell us where the time machine is!"

I slowly hit my right heel on my other heel of my shoe to activate the hover feature. I dropped my hands and my shoes began to levitate me into the air. The director signaled to everyone to shoot at me.

I was about six feet in the air, quickly trying to get away from them, but someone shot at my right shoe, hitting the tiny motor. The bullet almost reached my foot. I fell into the grass, rolling onto my backpack.

"Stay on the ground!" He yelled at me.

I grunted from the fall and tried to get up. My foot was in so much pain from the bullet hitting the motor in my shoe. I looked around, the only way to get out now was running to the back of the house and jumping the fence. Then something giant came hovering over us. It landed right in front of me. Everyone stopped shooting.

It was a small ship, enough to fit two people. The front door opened. It was that alien that I had met yesterday.

"Get in!" He said. I hopped up and jumped into the ship.

"Shoot that ship down!" The director said.

We took off leaving the CIA behind in my front lawn.



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